Network Marketing

Easy Ways to Make More Money in Network Marketing

Hit a snag lately? Haven’t been able to recruit any new agents? Is you network marketing job paying less and less because you can’t generate any sales? You don’t have to fret! With these easy network marketing tips, you can revitalize your sales pitch and methods in no time at all!

1. Contacts

Remember that your contacts are your most valuable asset. Who are your contacts? The people you see on the streets? Your next door neighbor?
When considering whom to invite, try those closest to you first. This is because they are most likely to be more open to your suggestions and will be willing to do you a few favors (such as buying that detergent you are hawking). The great thing about this is that they will really mind plunking a few bucks to help jumpstart your business. And when they see that you are doing well, they could very well join you as well.

When you run through the whole list of you clan, what will that leave you with? You will of course have to go to those people that next in line with regards to closeness or affinity to you. And what if that gives out too?

You can always adopt a friendlier stance and chat up that neighbor you never talked to. You could meet new people on the bus and on the train. But remember, you have to like them as people first. Don’t go about and look at them like walking piggy banks. People will know if they are being looked upon as ‘things.’ Always regard them highly and get to know them. Build their trust. The truth is, the friendships you build will be the true reward, and the sales will be just a side dish.

Always ask for referrals from your contacts. This is another sure way to increase your prospects.

2. Believe

If you yourself do not believe in your product, chances are you won’t be able to sell it to others. Remember, nothing promotes a product better that a satisfied customer. Let others see you using the product. Say glowing things about it. And most of all, let all that you say be true. If your customer finds out you weren’t being honest, you could ruin your business relationship.

When you choose a network business, take into consideration their product. See if you can believe in it and pitch for it effectively.

3. Recruit the right people

Don’t just recruit anybody. Make sure the people you recruit share an unbridled passion, and tireless work ethic with like you. If you don’t chances are, they will drop out of the networking business and you will not be able to build your down line.

4. Don’t force the issue

When trying to close a sale, don’t force the issue. If you do, people will get suspicious as to why you are doing so. Are selling them counterfeit items? Are you only interested in your profit and not in your customer’s satisfaction? Always keep this in mind: the customer always comes first. Please them, and the profits and windfall from these relationships will follow.

5. Look the part

When recruiting others, you can’t say, “You will get rich with network marketing,” and look shabby all the while. They’d say, “I thought you got rich from this thing, why do you look like you didn’t.” People will want to see a visible sign of success. You are their only reference point. If you are not convincing as a successful networking agent,

6. Hang in there

Perseverance is a virtue. If money grew on trees, you’d still have to wait for them to grow. Remember the old adage: try and try, until you succeed. Remember that your goal is not to just to get money, but to build upon a good income generating business.

7. Evolve

Don’t be satisfied thinking that your techniques at recruiting will forever be effective. Although there are basic principles that should be followed, you can forever improve on your techniques. Today’s society is constantly evolving. If you want to catch up with them, you have to evolve in your marketing strategies as well.

Try these tips. They are sure to give you more confidence in your network marketing strategy!

Real Home Based Jobs

There are many works at home real home based business opportunities that will help you start making money today. Many people are worried about all the scams on the Internet, and therefore doubt that any home base business ideas can be real. Nothing could be further from the truth.

While it is true that there are many scams in the Internet today, there are many real legitimate and real home based business opportunities to find as well. How can you tell the difference between whether not a business opportunity is a scam is legitimate?

Here are some important tips and information help you determine this. First of all, there are many websites on the Internet today the claim you can start making literally thousands of dollars right away, and talk about the great lifestyle you will live.

Most of the time, these websites emphasize the lifestyle you will be living, the lifestyle they currently live, etc. but don’t talk at all about the business opportunity. They say once you pay them a certain amount of money, they will show you exactly how to achieve the money and lifestyle you’ve always wanted to. Keep this in mind: if they don’t talk about the business opportunity in the sales letter, it is almost assuredly a scam, and you should avoid at all costs.

It probably is not a real home based business, and if you can make any money from it, it’s such a miniscule amount that it really isn’t worth your time or effort to get involved with it. examples of these would be things such as getting paid to fill out surveys, data entry, envelope stuffing work from home, work at home typing, etc. the reality is, you can’t make serious money or even a full time income from these opportunities, and just about nobody does.

In fact, the only way you make any money at all is by advertising that particularly opportunity in online classified ads, and anytime somebody (a lead) contacts you about it, you fill out their name in an opt in form so that the company can market to them. No matter how many classifieds you put the ad in, you can’t make a full time income with work at home typing or any other of these opportunities, so don’t even waste your time with these opportunities.

Next, look for any contact information on the website. If the business is indeed a scam, you can be sure they won’t have the contact information, and therefore you should avoid them. However, they do have a legitimate address common this is a good indication that the business is viable.

Hopefully these tips will help you to find a good work at home real home-based is for you. There are many different ways to make money in the Internet, to may be going to hear. There is pay per click, search engine optimization, co-registration, posting in forums, etc., and that is to be having traffic to your website. Once you get traffic, you can monetize your site in various ways, including Google AdSense, affiliate products, your own products, whether they are information or physical products, etc.

There is no right or wrong way to make money online. The most important thing is to find a work at home real home based business, become an expert at that one, and focus exclusively on that. Don’t get distracted by all the opportunities out there; focus on one thing, become an expert at that, and you will start profiting tremendously as a result.

Avoiding Internet Jobs Scams

Avoiding Work at Home Scams

One of the questions I get asked most often is how to tell whether a work from home job posting is a scam or a legitimate job. There are warning flags. In addition, there are sites that can help you determine that what is a real home job and what not?

Scams can also be an issue when looking for jobs that don't involve working at home. Job sites try to police the listings, but, it's hard to catch all the bad listings in a timely manner. Be careful when reviewing postings to make sure that you're not taken advantage of by unscrupulous job posters.

Evaluating Job Listings

If it isn't listed in the job posting, find out if there's a salary or if you're paid on commission. For work at home jobs, ask how often are you paid and how you are paid. Ask what equipment (hardware / software) you need to provide.

You Won't Get Rich Quick (Really)

Avoid listings that guarantee you wealth, financial success, or that will help you get rich fast. Stay clear of listings that offer you high income for part-time hours. They will do none of the above.

Hang on to Your Money

Do not send money! Legitimate employers don't charge to hire you or to get you started. Don't send money for work at home directories or start-up kits.

Check References

Ask for references if you're not sure about the company's legitimacy. Request a list of other employees or contractors to find out how this has worked for them. Then contact the references to ask how this is working out. If the company isn't willing to provide references (names, email addresses and phone numbers) do not consider the opportunity.

Think Twice

If it sounds too good to be true, you can be sure it is! Also, read any "offers" you get very carefully. One candidate for employment got a very detailed job offer from an employer. The only problem was that she hadn't applied for the job and buried deep within the lines was a request for her bank account information, so the employer could pay her. It was a scam, of course, but with some of the well-written ones it can be hard to tell.

Work at Home Jobs to Avoid

Assembly Jobs - No, you can't make lots of money assembling craft kits or any other type of kits. You can waste money on a package to get you started though.

Data Entry Jobs - You'll see lots of listings for data entry jobs. They are usually either positions posting ads or a sales pitch for a kit that will get you started.

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM): Which involves recruiting new people, and more new people, to sell the product. If all you are doing is trying to find more people to do what you're doing, keep in mind that there are probably thousands of other people attempting to do the same thing. Most of them aren't getting rich. Also note that MLM isn't a job with a paycheck - it's starting a business, with no guarantees.

Online Businesses - Do you want to start your own online business and get rich? Be very wary of these types of ads too. What you will do is end up paying for a guide to working at home which duplicates information you can find free.

Posting Ads - There are lots of ads saying workers are needed to post ads on online bulletin boards and forums. You don't get paid to post, rather you may get paid if other people sign-up.

Processing Claims - In order to get "hired" you'll need to buy equipment, software and pay for training.

Stuffing Envelopes - Believe it, or not, there are still people saying that you can earn $3 or $4 per envelope to stuff them. You can't. All major companies have postage machines which stuff, sort and meter mail.

The winner in the scam contest are the sites that offer to sell provide you with information on only legitimate work at home jobs - for a nominal fee, of course. Don't do it!

How to Find Out

How do you find out if the posting you are responding to is legitimate or a scam? Check our Work at Home Scams information to research companies before you apply.

Work at Home Data Entry Jobs

Work at Home Data Entry Jobs

What and Why?

Work at home data entry jobs are fairly self explanatory. They are jobs undertaken by contractors who provide data entry services to service buyers. Contact and payment is made by using features of the Internet. Data entry services are usually arranged through an intermediary online rather than from face to face contact with the service buyer. Some sites that are set up as brokerage sites include the capability to use an escrow account to protect both buyer and provider. A work for hire contract is often prepared between two parties and will specify what work will be provided and what the pay rate will be.

What are the data entry jobs?

Work at home data entry jobs come in all sizes and varieties. Everything from database upgrades involving thousands or even hundreds of thousands of records to adding a new baby to an employee database somewhere. Data entry jobs can be fiscal data, personnel data or even complicated legal briefs that need to be types according to a set format. Most people think of medical billing when they hear data entry jobs, but medical billing is only a small part of the entire field of data entry jobs.

Why choose data entry jobs?

There are many benefits in work at home data entry jobs. For most people who choose to work at home, being your own boss is the primary advantage. You can select the hours you want to work and the type of jobs that you want to accept. For example, if you are only interested in medical billing, you can find plenty of that type of work on the Internet. You may decide to only accept the higher paying jobs, or the ones that involve a certain type of data entry. The choice is up to you.

What do they pay?

Because there are so many types of work at home data entry jobs, you can expect to find all types of different pay levels. You can always make equivalent net income to what you would have had if you commuted to work and paid for child care after school. The amount of money you will receive totally depends on how many hours you are willing to work, what the pay rate is, and your data entry speed. It may be tempting to push for more work so that you will earn more money, but you also need to consider the accuracy of the finished product.

What do I need to get started?

The investment in equipment to get started in work at home data entry jobs is very minimal. You will need a computer with software that allows you to do word processing, spreadsheets, and sometimes database work. The Internet connection that you use must be dependable and preferably fast. Otherwise you spend inordinate amounts of time uploading and downloading files. You will need a telephone connection to keep in contact with customers and a comfortable working chair and computer work station. A good speaker system will help you if you do data entry from spoken files.


  • Know who you’re dealing with. The company may not be offering to employ you directly, only to sell you training and materials and to find customers for your work. Don’t believe that you can make big profits easily. Operating a home-based business is just like any other business – it requires hard work, skill, good products or services, and time to make a profit.

  • Be cautious about emails offering work-at-home opportunities. Many unsolicited emails are fraudulent.

  • Get all the details before you pay. A legitimate company will be happy to give you information about exactly what you will be doing and for whom.

  • Find out if there is really a market for your work. Claims that there are customers for work such as medical billing and craft making may not be true. If the company says it has customers waiting, ask who they are and contact them to confirm. You can also ask likely customers in your area (such as doctors for medical billing services) if they actually employ people to do that work from home.

  • Get references for other people who are doing the work. Ask them if the company kept its promises.

  • Be aware of legal requirements. To do some types of work, such as medical billing, you may need a license or certificate. Check with your state attorney general’s office. Ask your local zoning board if there are any restrictions on operating a business from your home. Some types of work cannot be done at home under federal law. Look for the nearest U.S. Department of Labor in the government listings of your phone book.

  • Know the refund policy. If you have to buy equipment or supplies, ask whether and under what circumstances you can return them for a refund.

  • Beware of the old “envelope stuffing” scheme. In this classic scam, instead of getting materials to send out on behalf of a company, you get instructions to place an ad like the one you saw, asking people to send you money for information about working at home. This is an illegal pyramid scheme because there is no real product or service being offered. You won’t get rich, and you could be prosecuted for fraud.

  • Be wary of offers to send you an “advance” on your “pay.” Some con artists use this ploy to build trust and get money from your bank. They send you a check for part of your first month’s “pay.” You deposit it, and the bank tells you the check has cleared because the normal time has passed to be notified that checks have bounced. Then the crook contacts you to say that you were mistakenly paid the wrong amount or that you need to return a portion of the payment for some other reason. After you send the money back, the check that you deposited finally bounces because it turned out to be an elaborate fake. Now the crooks have your payment, and you’re left owing your bank the amount that you withdrew.

So, do your own research about work-at-home opportunities. The “Work-At-Home Sourcebook” and other resources that may be available in your local library provide good advice and lists of legitimate companies that hire people to work for them at home. You may discover that these companies hire only local people and that there is nothing available in your area.

Be Your Own Boss

Be Your Own Boss: Stay Motivated

Keeping yourself on a schedule, taking account for every cent, and separating home from business, can help you be your own boss and stay motivated.

Going from taking orders from someone else, to being your own boss can be a great achievement, but staying focused and motivated can be a real challenge. To keep focused and motivated when starting a home business, you must become your own boss in pushing oneself to success. Keeping yourself on a schedule, taking account for every cent, and separating home from business, can help you reach these goals. Staying up late into the night and sleeping in till noon on a weekday may be standard for the grave-night shift, but when you starting your own home business a structured schedule is everything. Set your alarm clock to go off one hour before your work day begins, just as if you had to leave home to go into work. Get up, get showered, and get dressed! Put in a regular eight hours or so, without the interruptions of the television, your land line, or cell phone. Putting yourself on a schedule and making yourself responsible for time, can make all the difference in the success of your home business. Taking account for every cent coming in and going out, is also important in securing a flourishing home business. If you took out a business loan to get your business going, then budget and use your loan wisely. Don’t mix your personal income with your business income and vice versa. Keeping your business account separate from your personal account gives your business the ability to thrive. Put yourself on a business budget. This will keep you responsible and on target for your future business goals. If your business falls short in one area, then shuffle around the numbers until it works. Taking account for every cent will keep you financially responsible for your business achievements.

Keeping work separate from home is easier said then done, when you do work at home. But, it is not impossible. Turn that extra room into a home office with all your necessary business amenities in place. This business atmosphere will keep you both focused and motivated, alleviating the distractions of watching television or temptations of doing the laundry. And if you are a stay at home business mom or dad, don’t forget to put a little play area into the blueprints of your office. Keep all your little ones needs nearby. This helps your little one feel comfortable and entertained while mom or dad does business.

Who says you can’t work at home and be your own motivated boss? Keeping on schedule, taking account for every cent, and separating home from business will pave the way to a successful home business. They say home is where the heart is, and if the heart’s at home, why not put a little of that heart into a business that will give you more time to spend with your loved ones and financial freedom.

Work at Home Scams

There are so many Internets and work at home scams out there that it’s hard to believe that anything related to making money online is legitimate. You’ve probably run into hundreds of ads promising to make you rich over night. However after closer inspection you realize these ads are full of more crap than a fertilizer factory! It’s all very discouraging.

Don’t fret. There are few good apples in bunch of bad ones. When looking for home business opportunity it’s always a good idea to do your research. Trust me it’s not as hard as it may seem. Google is your friend. It’s one of the most comprehensive search engines out there and it’s a great detective for Internet and work from home scams. Here’s all you need to do.

Type in the company’s name or website + scams in the search box. So for instance do a search for + Scams in Google. If this company has really pissed people off and done some shady things Google will be able to find websites, blogs, forums or any news about this. You can then read through some of these resources to see if these complaints are valid or someone just being a baby.

Keep an open mind when reading these reviews. Often times you have cynical people that run off at that mouth because they didn’t have what it takes to make a home business opportunity work for them. Because you couldn’t make money with an opportunity doesn’t mean it’s a scam! It just means you couldn’t get it to work. And there are tons of reasons for that. It’s not necessarily the home business opportunities fault. So keep that in mind when reading these scam reports.

Usually when you find one there are other people that are more objective that will give you both sides of the story. Now if you see a pattern of the same complaints from different people and resources then you should be on guard and may want to do another check and look deeper into this company by researching them on The Better Business Bureau is usually the place you can discover more details about a company’s practices. So be sure to use all these resources before joining an Internet work at home business. Make an informed decision and you’ll avoid a lot of scams this way!

Genuine Work from home

Huh? Did I lose my mind? Am I smoking that "stuff"? Aren’t I the one always telling you can make money at home if you’re willing to try different thing. Yes, I’m that dude. But I have to come clean; I’ve been leading you astray with some of my advice. Please don’t get angry with me. I sincerely thought I was being helpful. But in hindsight I was doing you a disservice. Please allow me to explain myself.

Any of my loyal subscribers know that I always encourage them to "try" various work at home opportunities and to not limit themselves to data entry or typing. In fact you might get the impression that data entry and typing was real people that robbed me or something, the way I talk badly about them. Lol.

With that said, I do still stand by part of my advice in which I encouraged you to diversify your sources of at home income. However, where I’ve failed you is that I always say you should "try’. Unfortunately, trying provides an option of not taking action. When someone says I’ll try something, it means that there is a 50% chance that they will or will not do something. When it comes to working at home and being successful, I don’t think the word "TRY" should be in your vocabulary because the fact of the matter is that when given the choice people won’t try especially when it comes to work at home. They’ll think of every reason in the book not to act on a perfectly legitimate work at home opportunity. But they’ll also be the first to complain that they haven’t been able to work at home.

Most of the people I know that are extremely successful didn’t "try" anything, they were doers. An opportunity came their way and they didn’t have the attitude "Well I’m going to give that a try when I start making money. Or I’ll give that a try in a few months, or I’ll give that a try when the moon aligns with the sun." Trying is for people that aren’t serious about making money. Successful people have the attitude I will do and there isn’t any more to it!

Now look, we’re all guilty of being "Triers" instead of "Doers". For years, your fearless work at home leader was a full-time "Trier". And for years I couldn’t successfully work at home. I had a full time job that took me away from my loving family for 8+ hours per day. So I’m not sitting here in my ivory tower passing judgment on you. I’m saying this as a person that’s been there and still sometimes visits that old "trying" neighborhood. In fact let me tell you a recent story of my visit to the old "trying" hood I grew up in.

As some of you may know, I make money at home doing affiliate marketing. It’s the only real work at home opportunity I’ve ever done that has allowed me to support my family and make thousands of dollars per month. With that I’ve been struggling with an element of affiliate marketing known as pay per click advertising. PPC means pay per click. So for instance if I wanted to get visitors to my site looking for red shoes on, I would pay Google something like $.05 cents. So how PPC works is that I would only pay Google, if the visitors clicked on my ad when they searched for red shoes. Sounds easy enough right? But trust me it’s a little more involved and has other factors to consider which I didn’t really understand but became so easy after some training.

Needless to say it was a hurdle I’ve had for years. And like so many of you, I kept saying n0 to myself.

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