Speak Asia Latest News

It’s been quite a while we could not update you on the legal proceedings relation to Speak Asia Latest News. As everyone must know that we are unable to update you all because as per the direction of the honorable mediator Retired Justice Mr. Lahoti the entire mediation process has to be kept secret.

At this point of time we request all Speak Asians not to pay attention to any unauthentic information either positive or negative. One fact which we have come to know through our SAOL sources that the mediation meeting is certainly going in SAOL panellists favour and the hearing in Supreme Court on the outcome of the mediation process is going to start very soon.

There are several court hearing going on simultaneously in SAOL matter both criminal and civil in nature, but the one on which the immediate distribution of money to the panellists and the future of Speak Asia business is dependent is the Solomon James matter under the mediation of honourable Mr. Lahoti. One clear cut instruction to the concerned govt. dept. by the Supreme Court, obviously after getting satisfied about the business model and its lawful execution by SAOL, and you will see your Reward Points (RPs) getting reflected in your bank Accounts and business getting restarted.

Our suggestion to all Speak Asians is not to worry at all because in the history of online marketing in India no Company other than SAOL has fought its case in each and every concerned court of law, so vigorously and dutifully. Generally in the absence of any clear cut law to govern online direct selling in India every time when authorities and competitors hit a Company, the promoters and management prefers to run away rather than fighting the battle. In Speak Asia's case the authorities, media and competitors got a sure surprise and the Company proved it beyond doubt that they have a sustainable business model in place and they are not going anywhere.

It is not secret that they have appointed one among the best lawyers in the country, are able to hold entire consumer base of 20 lakh people as well as employees, have no intention to flee the country in any way and fighting the case tooth and nail.

In our point of view the future of Speak Asia business will be very secure and rewarding which could be passed on to the next generation. Once the Company comes out of this legal mess every one can peacefully earn their living on it without having fear of being unnecessarily harassed by the corrupt and rotten system of our Country.

The heart wants to start celebrating but the mind advices to show some restraint till the final verdict is announced by the Hon. Supreme Court.

Hon’ble Mr. Justice R.C. Lahoti ji has concluded his mediation process yesterday i.e. 19 December, 2011.

It is now clear that all the respondents have recorded their presence before the Hon. Mediator including the elusive EOW.

Hon’ble Mr. Justice Lahoti ji will soon file his report before the Hon. Supreme Court and the matter should come up for hearing before the Supreme Court in early January, 2012 .

I only wish to draw the attention of all the Speakasians that although the matter is moving positively in our favour the relief as is being spread on various forums is absolutely false and baseless.

The WEBSITE AND PAYMENTS are not going to start before 28 December, 2011 etc. like is being reported on various forums. All this will surely happen but only after the matter has been heard and finally ordered by the Hon. Supreme Court.

"If anything goes bad, I did it. If anything goes semi-good, we did it. If anything goes really good, then you did it" …Paul Bryant

Once again I wish to urge all my Speakasian family members continue to be united, remain absolutely positive, have complete unflinching faith in SAOL .

As per our conversation with the SAOL officials following are the updates:

1. The much awaited mediation meeting under the supervision of honorable retd. chief justice of India Mr. Lahoti has been concluded. The third and final mediation meeting happened yesterday on 19th december, 2011.

2. An important fact to be noted is that the Economic Offence Wing (EOW) of Mumbai Police was also represented in the last meeting. Now each and every party has been represented properly in front of the honorable mediator.

3. Now once honorable Mr. Lahoti presents his mediation report in Supreme Court the hearing will start. It is expected to start in first week of January after the winter vacation of the court.

Note: In our view the Speak Asia case has come to a conclusive phase where as soon as the hearing in Supreme Court starts, within few weeks the final verdict will be out. At this moment we suggest all the Speak Asians to stay united and pray to god that the final outcome come in the favour of Speak Asia family.

Proud to be Speak Asian ! ! !

Speak Asia Latest News of 12 Dec

Today as on 12 Dec 2011 was the hearing of AISPA president Melvin Crasto bail which has been rejected.and now the application regarding same will be put up in Session court Mumbai.

Speak Asia has two cases listed for today in Mumbai High Court for quashing of FIR in Raigar and Thane which is postponed for listing after vacations...that is on 5th jan,2011.

And Lahoti ji meeting underwent today very well but sadly EOW didn’t showed up again but the meeting took positive directions and we will be getting good and positive outcomes of it in next 2-3 weeks...!! so stay united...!!

Whenever anything happens I’ll update and any false news spreading should be avoided.

If any how you know, what all is happening in the meeting, we would like to know about the updates or internal story of the committee, and if EOW not turning up, then y they are not being sent any summon or any action against them.

Speak Asia Latest News

Speak Asia Latest News by Official Team:

The past few weeks for Speak Asia Online Login have been very eventful. While we are very happy that the first hearing of the committee appointed by the honourable Supreme Court for mediating amongst various parties concerned under the capable stewardship of the former Chief Justice of India, Justice R.C Lahoti, met towards the end of November and started the process of mediation in the right earnest.

Today in Mumbai Court their is hearing of 3 Cases:

Case Number : Bombay(Criminal)    WP/3210/2011
Filing Date: 15/10/2011 -  Reg. Date:-15/10/2011
Filed on 15 October 2011
Case Number : Bombay(Criminal)    WP/3211/2011
Filing Date: 15/10/2011 -  Reg. Date:-15/10/2011
Filed on 15 October 2011

This is Case filed on 15th of October from Thane its reagarding FIR quashing.
Link on Mumbai Court Website :


Case Number : Bombay(Criminal)    WP/3611/2011

However ever since this hearing, the entire Speak Asia Online community inclusive of the company and its employees, panelist and their family members including both women and old parents have become the target of  a renewed malicious campaign by the authorities. This started with the arrest of Mr. Melvin Crasto, President of the AISPA and also this followed up with the arrest of one of the Regional Manager of our company.  Both these actions are highly deplorable as they come in the back drop of the mediation process already set in motion. We are given to believe though reliable sources that a senior officer of EOW has gone on to state that there will be more such arrests in the very near future with an aim of spreading panic amongst the panelist community which till now has been the major source of strength for the company.

We would like to assure all our stake holders that we will leave no stone unturned, not only to resolve the current situation but also to restart our business at the earliest. All our endeavours are aimed towards ensuring that our entire community including our employees, panelist and business associates is in no way inconvenienced any further.

Speak Asia Online Login

Speak Asia Online Login: We would like to draw your attention to the official communication website of Speak Asia Online Pte. Ltd. www.speakasiaonlinemarketing.blogspot.com where the Company has posted latest update about the on-going legal battle and narrated how the Company and its panelists are being targeted by the authorities and competitors with vested interest. This is happening in spite of on-going mediation process under the supervision of honourable Retired. Chief Justice Mr. R. C. Lahoti.

We request all of you to go through the latest update from the Company and inform your team about it. At this critical juncture only and only the unity among Speak Asia Online family can bring all of us out of this mess. By this time the intention of the SAOL management is crystal clear that they want to fight this legal battle vigorously so that the business can be restarted and panelists money can be refunded. Now it’s the time for the panelists to show their support to the Company so that this legal battle can be brought to a conclusive end.

One small mistake from the panelist community and again it will bring all of us back to square one from where it all started. So we request all of you to be calm and stay united with the company till we win this battle in the court of law.

The much awaited mediation meeting under the chairmanship of honorable retd. chief justice started today at the mediation center in New Delhi.

As per the news which we got from the officials of the SAOL, Mr. R. C. Lahoti had listened all points carefully and issued further notices to all concerned departments. Advocate Mr. Rajiv from panelists’ side, Advocate Mr. Abdi from the Company side and advocates from RBI only were present there. No other department officials were present there. All the advocates of SAOL are satisfied from today’s proceedings and outcome of today’s meeting. All other departments got notices from Mr. Lahoti.

The meeting is not yet concluded and will be continued for some more sessions in couple of days. As and when we'll get the update of the meeting we'll keep you all posted.

As one of the major growing online survey companies in whole Asia and India Speak Asia Online.com is now having 2 million panelists on in India. They say they can touch 1 crore (10 million) mark by 2011 year ending.

Speak Asia Online is one of the very controversial company of this decade. On the first side, this is the first company which is still fighting to comeback in spite of getting so much trouble from the legal authorities in India. On the other side, thousands of Speak Asia people are still motivated and think very positive about the company. And this makes controversial because both the company Speak Asia Online as well as its investors knows that the concept run by the company is fake.

The latest news about Speak Asia Online Login is that the company has executed an exit policy through which a person can opt to make an exit from the company and get his refund. The surprising thing about this exit policy is that neither the company Speak Asia has made this announcement on its official website nor they have sent any email regarding this. They have booked another domain speakasiamarketing.com and given the details of exit policy there and you can opt to exit from the same website.

Having their offices located in Singapore Speak Asia Online has seen the success any company dream of. Many people are joining day by day and referring their friends and relatives to join as well. In this company you can earn anywhere between 4000 to 40000 per month depending upon your investment.

Text Cash Network Reviews

Reviews on Text Cash Network is creating a lot of commotion in the network marketing world. In a world where people are getting paid for everything, are you still trading dollars for hours? You have finally stumbled upon an easy system to increase your financial power by joining with a company that pays you to receive texts. If you didn’t have to go to your 9 to 5 everyday, what would you be doing?

You may not be able to retire off of this text income, but what if it could pay a car note or your mortgage. Would that be of any benefit to you? Best of all it is Free.

There is no disputing the power of cell phones; we would be lost without them. I am old enough to remember a time when we use to have to use the payphone. Can you imagine standing in the rain or snow trying to use a payphone? Now even at home, my cell phone is usually within arm’s reach. There has been research that reported 4 out of 5 young adults sleep with their phones on or by their beds and many, including myself never even turn their phones off.

Marketing through texts messages only makes sense. Very simply, there is no technology that is more compelling, universal and immediate. On average, messages are read within four minutes, making them highly convertible.  Today’s consumers are smarter than before. Gone are the days when a simple advertising campaign would be far-reaching and appealing enough to drive all your prospects to buy a product. The adoption of text marketing is a growing trend around the globe as consumer spending slows and retailers are forced to become more creative. Over 6.1 trillion text messages were sent in 2010 worldwide, according to a report from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

The ITU study found that when it comes to a preferred method of contact, 31% of adults would choose a text message, 51% would choose a voice call and 14% say it depends on the situation. 55% of heavy texters, those who exchange 50 messages or more a day, prefer texting to talking. Bulk SMS messages can be targeted directly to the mobile phone of the user. It is capable of reaching 91% of the US population, with consumers on average opening 98% of text messages and responding directly to 26% of them. Another study reveals that companies are truly beginning to see and realize the benefits of text message marketing to consumers. Twenty-five percent of the respondents said they were currently using text marketing to send out their marketing message, up from 15 percent at the end of 2010.Via a simple text message, you can reach over 70 percent of the population, whereas the other mobile platforms are just not there yet in terms of the number of users who use or even have them.

So what does the Text Cash Network mean to you? It's a way for you to make some money on the growing trend of mobile marketing. The money that you can make with Text Cash Network will astonish you. T.C.N. shares it's text revenue with its T.C.N. Affiliates and Membership Base using a 10 Level Referral Reward System. T.C.N. will pay up to $1.50 monthly per member, up to 10 Levels of Referrals, who agree to receive 1 to 5 T.C.N. Texts Daily.

Click here to find out more about the Text Cash Network:

How to earn in Text Cash Network?


THE POWER GRID is a 10 level referral grid which will track everyone you personally refer on your 1st level; everyone your 1st level personally refers to their 1st level which is your 2nd level; this grid will track everyone referred up to ten levels below your Referral Agent’s Position. The only qualification to receive compensation in The Power Grid is to agree to receive up to 5 text messages and spend 3 to 5 minutes in your back office with The “Get The Word Out” Advertising Platform.

If you are in a T.C.N. non-text supported area (country) receiving up to 5 e-mails will be implemented. Each level may have an infinity number of Referral Agents. Using the power of duplication averaging 2 Referral Agents. MAXIMUM INCOME WOULD BE $2302.50 MONTHLY. If you increase such average to 3 or 4 the MAXIMUM INCOME would be to high of a dollar figure to put into print.


Text Cash Network Power Pay Plan


Is an innovative T.C.N. point driven bonus pool. Ignore current diagram in your back office. It is a one line bonus pool system designed for every Referral Agent to participate even if they did not refer a single person. When the Exclusive POWER-LINE Tracking Chart is available you may truly grasp how powerful THE POWER-LINE IS. The POWER-LINE Compensation is shared by both 100% FREE & VIP Referral Agents. In the POWER-LINE a FREE or VIP Referral Agent may have many LINKED BONUS POWER-LINE Positions with each one awarded Bonus Points. Each one duplicating itself over and over again and again. A 100% Free Referral Agent could be awarded tens, hundreds or even thousands of LINKED BONUS POWER-LINE Positions. The key word is LINKED. Currently we have over 55,000 Referral Agents in the POWER-LINE. Now imagine YOU just register as a new 100% FREE Referral Agent. HOWEVER in about 24 hours everyone of the 54,000 Referral Agents will have a LINKED BONUS POSITION in front of you generating many more LINKED BONUS POSITIONS to your original FREE POSITION. Each one awarded bonus points with each bonus point having potential compensation for your original position. Again once you see the real time tracking chart in your FREE BACK OFFICE all will be clearer.

How fast you receive additional LINKED BONUS POSITIONS will be based on your level of achievement.


This is possibly more exciting than The POWER-GRID, POWER-LINE and The POWER-MATCH Combined. When you see the details of this POWER-SHARE there will be potential personal sales commissions available of $500; $1,000; $5,000 and more. Plus an equal amount shared up to 10 levels of Active VIP Referral Agents in The POWER-GRID. Plus as you will see in the POWER-MATCH another equal amount shared with up to 5 Qualified Referral Agents in The POWER-GRID. Example: When a FREE or VIP Referral Agent earns $500 in The POWER-SHARE up to 10 additional Referral Agents could receive $50 which would also calculate another potential $500 in POWER-MATCH Bonuses paid to the Qualified Referral Agents in the up line. It is a two team infinity grid. Prior to this being implemented every person will be given the opportunity to choose which team each referred person will be placed on. It will be retroactive from day one. More Details regarding The Power Team; The Power Share & The Power Match on 11/11/11


In order to log into your website back office we ask you to validate your e-mail address. If you did not receive one you may request another be sent. If you are not receiving your e-mail validations after several attempts we suggest you open a free g-mail account and note below the e-mail verification when trying to log in you may add another e-mail to your account.


Is a 10 level referral grid which will track everyone you personally refer on your 1st level; everyone your 1st level personally refers to their 1st level which is your 2nd level; this grid will track everyone referred up to ten levels below your Referral Agent's Position. The only qualification to receive compensation in The Power Grid is to agree to receive up to 5 text messages and spend 3 to 5 minutes in your back office with The "Get The Word Out" Advertising Platform. The 100% FREE POWER-GRID pays a Referral Agent a MAXIMUM of $.75 to $1.50 Per Active Referral Agent up to 10 Levels of Referrals. A 2x10 & 3x10 is displayed on your website. However, since there are no limits on the amount of referrals a Referral Agent may refer. There could be a billion different combinations. Here are real examples of real referral agents who have already reached 10 levels of referrals within 14 days.

Here is an Referral Agent who personally referred 77 Referral Agents; The 77 collectively referred 321 onto his 2nd level; The 321 collectively referred 820 onto his 3rd level; The 820 collectively referred 2071 onto his 4th level; The 2071 collectively referred 2809 onto his 5th level; The 2809 collectively referred 3527 onto his 6th level; The 3527 collectively referred 4530 onto his 7th level; The 4530 collectively referred 4327 onto his 8th level; The 4327 collectively referred 3616 onto his 9th level; The 3616 collectively referred 2894 onto his 10th level for a grand total of 24,992 with a MAXIMUM TEXT PAY of $20,914.50 Monthly. This is an example and the compensation in this example would come from members/agents receiving up to 5 text messages a day.

Here is an Referral Agent who personally referred 11 Referral Agents; The 11 collectively referred 148 onto his 2nd level; The 148 collectively referred 487 onto his 3rd level; The 487 collectively referred 642 onto his 4th level; The 642 collectively referred 630 onto his 5th level; The 630 collectively referred 431 onto his 6th level; The 431 collectively referred 198 onto his 7th level; The 198 collectively referred 178 onto his 8th level; The 178 collectively referred 169 onto his 9th level; The 169 collectively referred 108 onto his 10th level for a grand total of 3,002 with a MAXIMUM TEXT PAY of $2,332.50 Monthly. This an example and the compensation in this example would come from fmembers/agents receiving up to 5 text messages a day.

At such time full customer support will be available. We did not expect more than 6000 applications in the 1st 4 days. Keep up the great work since the current system can handle 75,000 applications daily.

Easy ways to make extra cash from home

If you’d like to make some extra money by being a hostess extraordinaire, starting your own direct selling business can be a fun way to do it. Working for a direct selling company allows you to create a flexible schedule by hosting parties, shows or workshops, and take home a percentage of your sales or a percentage of the sales of people you sign up to be representatives. Keep in mind that to make a lot of money, you need to sell a lot, but if you’re looking to supplement a steady income, direct selling could be just what you’re looking for. And if it turns out direct selling isn’t for you, most companies offer reimbursement or exchange programs to buy back unused materials at full price or part of the full price, depending on how long you have had the products. Read on to discover nine companies that might be worth your while.

The Pampered Chef: If you have a passion for cooking and kitchen essentials, The Pampered Chef helps you make money by hosting “cooking shows” where your guests can buy an array of kitchen products sold by the company. There are two available starter kits: the New Consultant Kit ($155), which includes 25 products as well as training, marketing and business materials; and the New Consultant Mini Kit ($80), which includes a smaller selection of products, in addition to training, marketing and business materials. As a consultant, you can earn 20 to 25 percent of your total sales for each “show,” and, by recruiting a team of consultants; you can earn an additional 1 percent of your sales and 1 percent of their total sales. Also, once a consultant has reached $15,000 in sales in their career, their commission rate is automatically increased by 2 percent on all levels.

Silpada Designs: Silpada Designs offers sterling silver jewelry, belts and watches that you sell as a hostess of an at-home “jewelry party.” The starter kit ($199) includes personalized business cards, a representative ID stamp, 50 Silpada Designs catalogs, a polishing cloth, a ring- and belt-sizer, and one of three jewelry packages to choose from. Each package includes three pieces of jewelry to display at your parties (a necklace, bracelet and earrings). In addition, hostesses receive a 50 percent discount off any jewelry you choose to buy for yourself, to wear or display. The kit includes information on how to become a successful representative, training CDs, monthly newsletters, a personalized MySilpada website, a home-show DVD and unlimited one-on-one training from a Silpada sales coach. Consultants earn 30 percent commission on every piece of jewelry sold, and if you recruit other consultants, you earn anywhere between 4 and 16 percent of their sales, based on your team’s total sales. As a bonus, during the first 100 days, consultants can earn up to $3,000 in free jewelry based on sales and recruiting activity.

Heritage Makers: Through Heritage Makers, hosts hold “home workshops” or “virtual workshops,” selling professionally bound cards, canvases, storybooks, posters, digital scrapbooks and photo gifts. Hosts can also schedule “Studio Demos,” in which clients are taught how to use the Heritage online software and can buy memberships to Club HM, the company’s publishing club, which consultants are encouraged to join. Club HM has three levels of monthly membership: $30, $50 and $100. As a member of the club, hosts receive free “publishing points,” which can be used to buy Heritage Makers products, with each point equaling $1. The $30 membership equals 40 points, $50 is 70 points and $100 is 120 points. You are also allowed to purchase “publishing points” at a wholesale discount of up to 34 percent off. The Consultant Signup Kit ($50) includes a starting guide, card sampler, order forms, brochures, catalogs, training DVD, personal website and virtual office, and an 8 x 8 storybook sample. Hosts can also sign up for an add-on Business Builder Kit for an additional $100, which includes additional workshop materials and supplies. Consultants make 10 to 30 percent of their total sales, 20 to 30 percent of the sales of those you’ve recruited and 1 to 5 percent of sales of the representatives recruited by your team, depending on individual and team sales.

Jordan Essentials: Consultants for Jordan Essentials sell bath and body products by throwing at-home Girls-Night-In parties featuring spa products and mineral makeup. Three starter kits are available: $89 for the Basic Kit, $125 for the Deluxe Kit and $150 for the Deluxe Plus Minerals Kit. Based on the price, the kits come with a varying range of products—including items such as exfoliant, moisturizers, powder and lipcolor—in addition to a training DVD, catalogs, flip charts, order forms, invitations and a free three-month website to promote your new business. Consultants make 25 to 35 percent of total sales and 5 to 8 percent of the sales of the consultants they have recruited, all based on your team’s overall sales. Jordan Essentials also offers Fast Start Rewards during the first 90 days, in which consultants receive $50 to $100 cash bonuses for recruiting other new consultants. The company also offers continual cash incentives, product bonuses, trips and prizes for those who exceed their sales goals.

Stella & Dot: This jewelry company allows you to become one of their “stylists” by selling an array of boutique-style baubles. Stella & Dot offers a starter kit ($199), including $350 worth of free jewelry to display at home parties. The kit also includes a stylist training magazine, hostess planner magazine, look-books and mini-look-books, sponsoring brochures, a DVD with company history and product information, plus invitations and other necessary business supplies. Consultants earn up to 30 percent of their total sales and between 4 and 8 percent of the sales of those they recruit, depending on individual and team sales.

Lia Sophia: Consultants for Lisa Sophia sell trend-setting gold, silver and mixed-metal fashion jewelry. The style company offers a starter kit ($149), which includes a mix of its top-selling pieces, such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings and more. The kit also features training materials, including catalogs, invitation postcards, display trays and a bag to transport the jewelry to and from your home shows. Hostesses receive 30 percent of total sales, as well as the opportunity for cash bonuses and free jewelry based on earnings. In addition, consultants can receive jewelry credit based on the number of items sold at each party and the number of parties booked.

Eclipse Candle Company: This Christian company allows you to make money by becoming a member of its “Glow Team,” selling a line of candles during at-home parties or trade shows. The Eclipse Candle Company starter kit ($99) includes three varieties of scented glass-encased candles, a stainless steel wick trimmer, decorative tins, a wick dipper, various fragrance tins, customer order forms, appointment cards, catalogs and brochures. New members receive special fundraiser forms; if consultants sell 25 of the company’s 12-oz decorative tins, the cost of the starter kit is covered. Regular consultants earn 30 percent of total sales and 1 to 8 percent of the sales of those you have recruited, depending on your team’s sales. Representatives also earn 15 percent of sales from community fundraising events. The company also has a Fast Start Program, in which new consultants earn prizes based on their sales in the first 75 days, with contests and prize incentive programs for top performers.

Essential Bodywear: As Essential Bodywear representatives, hosts provide an Essential Makeover with a Bra Party, helping guests find their right bra size and giving them the opportunity to buy stylish bras, ranging in size from 32A to 44H. The beginning Bra Fit Kit (currently $419, but usually $699 when not on sale) includes 48 sample bras as well as a training DVD, invitations, catalogs, order forms and other business supplies. Consultants earn 25 to 37 percent of sales and 4 to 9 percent of the sales of the representatives they recruit, depending on total individual and team sales. Essential Bodywear also offers a 30-day Medallion Club, in which the amount of sales can earn new consultants up to $900 worth of free products. Due to the fact that you are selling undergarments, Essential Bodywear only offers a refund on Bra Fit Kits that have not been opened.

Shure Pets: Shure Pets consultants sell an array of all-natural dog products, specializing in health and beauty aids. The company offers a Sample Kit ($99), which features 10 sample products including shampoos, vitamins, dog treats and toys. The Full Size Kit ($149) includes 20 full-size products, plus a training binder with information on the company and how to start your home business. Shure Pets also gives consultants the option to purchase a website for a $50 yearly subscription fee. Consultants earn 25 to 27 percent of their sales and between 3 and 5 percent of the sales of the consultants they have recruited, depending on total sales. Shure Pets also has a Fast Start Program, in which new consultants can earn an additional 10 percent on sales within the first 90 days, depending on how much is sold.

When times are tough, every extra dollar counts. But that doesn't mean you have to take on a second job! There are simpler ways to make extra dough on the side. From watching other people's kids to getting rid of stuff you already own, find out how you can boost your income.

Cash in your gift cards: Resale companies are happy to take them off your hands. You’ll get up to 92 percent of the card’s value, and you don’t have to pay a fee. Check out CardPool.com and PlasticJungle.com.

Look through your jewelry box: With gold prices at more than $1,300 per ounce and silver at $28, now is a good time to turn rarely worn or broken pieces into cash. Many reputable jewelry stores buy gold, and going to a store near you is safer than using online gold buyers since you don’t have to ship your piece to someone before getting paid—or possibly scammed. Call several stores in town to find ones that buy gold. Then go to a few to see who’ll offer the most. Before you make a final decision, check out the store’s reputation with the Better Business Bureau.

Babysit: Put the word out on Facebook, your school listserv and your church website that you’re free to watch kids. For a wider reach, sign up with SitterCity.com. The site connects parents with babysitters in their area. There’s no fee to join and you set your own rates.

Cook for cash: If people rave about your culinary talent, use it to make money. Let friends and family know via social media that you’re willing to make dinner for a tired mom. All she has to do is pick it up. Build the cost of groceries and storage containers into your fee.

Clear clutter—and sell it with the tap of an app: Geolist, a free iPhone and Android app, lets you instantly upload a photo, description and price of whatever you’re selling. The app uses location-based technology, so anyone in your area who accesses it will see your item. Think of it as a virtual local classified ad.

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