Speak Asia Online Login: We would like to draw your attention to the official communication website of Speak Asia Online Pte. Ltd. www.speakasiaonlinemarketing.blogspot.com where the Company has posted latest update about the on-going legal battle and narrated how the Company and its panelists are being targeted by the authorities and competitors with vested interest. This is happening in spite of on-going mediation process under the supervision of honourable Retired. Chief Justice Mr. R. C. Lahoti.
We request all of you to go through the latest update from the Company and inform your team about it. At this critical juncture only and only the unity among Speak Asia Online family can bring all of us out of this mess. By this time the intention of the SAOL management is crystal clear that they want to fight this legal battle vigorously so that the business can be restarted and panelists money can be refunded. Now it’s the time for the panelists to show their support to the Company so that this legal battle can be brought to a conclusive end.
One small mistake from the panelist community and again it will bring all of us back to square one from where it all started. So we request all of you to be calm and stay united with the company till we win this battle in the court of law.
The much awaited mediation meeting under the chairmanship of honorable retd. chief justice started today at the mediation center in New Delhi.
As per the news which we got from the officials of the SAOL, Mr. R. C. Lahoti had listened all points carefully and issued further notices to all concerned departments. Advocate Mr. Rajiv from panelists’ side, Advocate Mr. Abdi from the Company side and advocates from RBI only were present there. No other department officials were present there. All the advocates of SAOL are satisfied from today’s proceedings and outcome of today’s meeting. All other departments got notices from Mr. Lahoti.
The meeting is not yet concluded and will be continued for some more sessions in couple of days. As and when we'll get the update of the meeting we'll keep you all posted.
As one of the major growing online survey companies in whole Asia and India Speak Asia Online.com is now having 2 million panelists on in India. They say they can touch 1 crore (10 million) mark by 2011 year ending.
Speak Asia Online is one of the very controversial company of this decade. On the first side, this is the first company which is still fighting to comeback in spite of getting so much trouble from the legal authorities in India. On the other side, thousands of Speak Asia people are still motivated and think very positive about the company. And this makes controversial because both the company Speak Asia Online as well as its investors knows that the concept run by the company is fake.
The latest news about Speak Asia Online Login is that the company has executed an exit policy through which a person can opt to make an exit from the company and get his refund. The surprising thing about this exit policy is that neither the company Speak Asia has made this announcement on its official website nor they have sent any email regarding this. They have booked another domain speakasiamarketing.com and given the details of exit policy there and you can opt to exit from the same website.
Having their offices located in Singapore Speak Asia Online has seen the success any company dream of. Many people are joining day by day and referring their friends and relatives to join as well. In this company you can earn anywhere between 4000 to 40000 per month depending upon your investment.